Of chocolates and Pet Wormers
One of my favorite shows in HBO is the Myth Busters. A group of scientists try to prove or disprove a lot of common beliefs that some of us accept us true. For example, remember this typical common movie scene wherein the hero swims underwater and the bad guys keep firing

Now you may wonder why I babbled about this. Well, it is because I am going to talk about two topics in pet care: chocolate and pet wormer. I remembered a certain topic I saw in Myth Busters and that is never feed your pet dog chocolates. Yes that thing you have read about chocolates being poisonous to your dog is true. According to Myth Busters, chocolate have this certain chemical properties that is fatal to dogs. So whenever you feel sympathetic to your dog because it looks longingly at you eating your favorite bar of chocolate, do not. Dogs will always look longingly to whatever food you are eating and since you now know better, this is a perfect situation where greed is good or else you will end up killing your dog. I repeat chocolates are bad for dogs. Keep the chocolates within the human race.

Now let us proceed to my second topic in pet care which is about pet wormer. Worms are found everywhere. And since dogs like to dig up soil, there is always a big chance that they are infected. If you are living in a tropical country, double these chances because tropical countries are breeding grounds of worms. Chances are if your dog or cat appears weak, it may have parasitic worms. Pet wormers are the obvious cure. Do not be a scrooge and go to the vet. Pet wormers will make your dog live longer and yes parasitic worms, in some cases, could actually kill your beloved pet. So better spend that few measly bucks on a pet wormer (Do not forget the fee of the vet) or else suffer the sight of your little kid crying over your dead pet. You choose what is important to you.
While we are on the topic of pet care, I will dispense my last piece of advice: please give your pet a regular bath. Nobody likes stinky pets you know.
By: Sandy Scott
Article Source: http://articleaddict.com