Healthy Dog Food Secrets
Dog food is not manufactured for Dogs at all.Dog food is produced and marketed for you.It is nothing more than an elaborately marketed product designed to give you well being that you are giving your Dog the best when in fact the opposite may be true.

Recently a World Wide Scare struck virtually every Dog Owner Alive. Have we been poisoning our Dogs with Store bought Dog Food over and over again for years?!Now not all store bought Dog food is bad but there is no way you should ever risk the life of your Dog by providing manufactured Dog food as the only Nutritional source!Can you Guarantee that the very food you have been giving your Dog for Life is not causing Death?I couldn't.
So I set out to create my own recipes to give my Dog the Real sustenance of Life I thought I had been providing'll get everything you need to safely provide a lifetime Of Safe and Nutritious food, even if you know nothing about Dog Nutrition now..."
Over 60 Meals, Beverages, Deserts and Snacks that anyone can make. More than enough

I hope you take advantage of my over 60 recipes that will have your dog, like mine, lining for the next Nutritional Meal or Snack! Give your Dog the gift of Real Nutrition Now.
The only way you can ever be sure of what you are really feeding your Dog is to see the Ingredients yourself as they come together into a safe and healthy meal, snack, beverage or dessert.In fact once you see how easy it is to feed your Dog the healthy way you will wonder why you ever bought manufactured Dog food in the first place!
By: dr.anies
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