Reasons For Providing Your Dog With Raw Dog Food
A number of vets are now starting to realize that processed pet food is the main cause of many illnesses and premature deaths in dogs and cats today. In a paper published in the British

In order for a dog to remain healthy in need live foods in its body. These live foods contain enzymes (little protein molecules) which are essential for them to digest food properly. They also stimulate the brain, provide them with cellular energy as well as repair tissues, organs and cells. But it helps with many other functions within the dog's body that are so diverse it is difficult to name them all.
However the most important thing about using raw dog food is that it must be well planned and balanced with the correct choice of raw food ingredients included. It should provide them with all the nutritional components which are necessary to keep their organs and systems of their body

If you are deciding to change your pet's diet to a raw food one then you may want to consider including some enzymes into it. Unfortunately processed pet foods because of the heat that is needed to produce it will often destroy these enzymes. By adding digestive enzymes to a raw food diet it will help them to absorb nutrients much more effectively. One such product you could think of including is "Shake'N'Zyme" by Dancing Paws.
This product ensures that the digestive system is working at its optimum level and those nutrients are absorbed effectively.
One particularly good raw dog food is called the BARF diet. This consists mainly of raw meaty bones, pulped vegetables and fruits which are mixed with raw organ meats (liver, heart & kidney). It should also include garlic, yogurt and raw eggs. Added to this should be supplements which will provide your dog with essential fatty acids.
These supplements include cod liver oil, fish body oil, olive oil or flax seed oil or ground flax seed meal. Also you will need to include other supplements with your raw dog food which contain Vitamins C and E (such as kelp powder or brewers yeast (which is a great source of Vitamin B).