Fiber in Dog Foods
Fiber is one of the nutrients listed on every bag of pet food, but its importance has occasionally been questioned. As this article explains, fiber can have many health benefits for your pet. The type of fiber determines its role in the digestive process.

Fiber is found in a variety of sources, but in pet foods, it comes primarily from the cell walls of plants and grains present in the food. Almost all carbohydrate sources will contain some fiber. Some of the most common sources of fiber in pet foods include rice hulls, corn and corn by-products, soybean hulls, beet pulp, bran, peanut hulls, and pectin.
Requirements and function
Fiber is not considered an essential nutrient in the diets of cats and dogs, but it is present in almost every commercial pet diet. Dogs and cats do not derive any energy from fiber, however, improved colon health is a benefit of having fiber in the diet, and therefore, its presence in pet food is often considered beneficial. There are several medical conditions that are greatly improved by the addition of fiber in the diet and they will be discussed in depth later in the article. The function of fiber in the diet is to increase both bulk and water in the intestinal contents. Fiber will shorten intestinal transit time in pets with fast transit times, and speed up the transit times in animals with slow transit times. What this means is that fiber will help treat both diarrhea and constipation. Fiber absorbs extra water in diarrheic stools, and it helps hold onto water, which prevents constipation. Some fiber is broken down in the intestine into fatty acids. These fatty acids will aid in preventing the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. They will also help the colon cells to recover from injury and possibly help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Rate of fermentation of common dietary fibers slow
and rapidly fermentable fibers
When people think about fiber, they are often concerned with the quantity of fiber present, however, the rate of fermentation is actually more important. The rate of fermentation of the fiber will actually dictate how beneficial it is for the given medical condition being treated. The rate of fermentation of a fiber determines its effect on the water holding capacity and the overall bulk of the stool. Slowly fermented fibers are the most effective stool bulking agents because they maintain their structure longer and hold more water. The rapidly fermenting fibers lose their shape and hold less water and bulk. In fact, if a large amount of rapidly fermenting fiber is fed, it can produce a laxative effect and produce diarrhea as a result. Unless a pet food is designed to treat a certain condition, a mix of both rapidly fermenting and slowly fermenting fiber sources is usually the most desirable.
Role of fiber in weight management
One of the most common uses of fiber in pet foods is in the dietary management of obesity. The addition of extra fiber in the diet, particularly slowly fermented fiber, is useful in reducing and preventing obesity. The slowly fermentable fibers that are added to specialized weight loss diets help to increase bulk and promote a feeling of satiety (fullness) without adding calories. The animal eats a satisfying meal, but consumes fewer calories and thus loses weight. If rapidly fermented fiber sources are used at too high of a level, then loose stools or excessive gas may result; so if problems arise using weight management pet foods, the source of the fiber should be examined.
Role of fiber in the control of diarrhea and constipation
Many of my clients are often confused about how fiber can be used for two very different problems, namely diarrhea and constipation. But once you understand the function of fiber it all begins to make sense. Fiber will absorb moisture in cases of diarrhea, and add moisture in cases of constipation. Moderate levels of both slowly and rapidly fermentable fibers will both absorb water and can be used to treat either symptom. In addition to its water absorbing properties, the binding and gelling properties of fiber also aid in the treatment of diarrhea.
Role of fiber in the control of diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a common metabolic disease in dogs and cats. In some animals, controlling the disease can be difficult and time consuming. One of the more important breakthroughs in managing this disease has come from the recognition that by feeding a diet high in fiber to dogs with diabetes, we can help control the swings in blood sugar, minimizing the peaks and valleys in blood glucose that often accompany this disease. Feeding a high fiber diet to diabetic dogs has now become a standard part of treatment and has helped in the management of many diabetic patients. In cats, recent studies have shown that diets high in protein and fat aid in the dietary management of diabetes mellitus more than diets high in fiber.
Fiber has been an often overlooked ingredient in pet food. While there is no proven need for fiber in pet diets, there appear to be many benefits from the addition of both rapidly and slowly fermented fiber sources. Most commercial diets more than meet this need, but if your pet needs to be managed for obesity, diarrhea, constipation, or diabetes mellitus (in dogs), additional fiber sources may be beneficial.
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