Organic Dog Biscuit
The food you feed your dog is the single most important factor affecting his or her health. Organic dog biscuits provide more than merely calories for your dog. Aside from energy, healthy

Ideally, a healthy dog biscuit should contain a variety of naturally occurring nutrients, and would not contain a lot of nutritionally empty ingredients or the arbitrarily established spectrum of generally low quality synthetic vitamins and minerals that are often added as supplements to conventional pet foods and pet treats.
Dogs are carnivores by nature, and their teeth and digestive tracts attest to this fact. Although some dogs can thrive on closely monitored and well-supplemented vegetarian diets, dog biscuits can contain a reasonable amount of animal-derived ingredients. Many dog biscuits contain more starch and carbohydrates from grains than protein from other plant or animal sources; this can lead to health problems, as many dogs are allergic to grains. A healthy dog biscuit should therefore contain no grains or only high-quality grains that have been processed to be suitable for a dog’s digestive system. Although many dog biscuits are non-vegetarian and contain some sort of meat, in most cases, the animal-derived ingredients used are low quality, and might include such ill-defined components as so-called ‘animal meals’ or byproducts.

Although dogs should also eat some plant-based foods, the plant material should be healthy, toxin-free, and accessible to your dog’s digestive system; here again, certified organic ingredients are the best choice for your dog’s food. This means that plant ingredients should either be ground up finely or processed in other ways that allow the dog to use the nutrients contained in the plant cells. Although many pet food manufacturers bake their dog biscuits, and this would certainly break down plant components (i.e., ‘make it more digestible’), baking is less than ideal, as it destroys most healthful nutrients.
So, to summarize, the best and healthiest dog biscuits are those that are USDA certified organic, whole food-based, and contain high quality ingredients including well-prepared high quality plant materials.
By: eric4u
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