Dog Food And Proper Nutrition
The food of the dog can be analysed based on the nutrition that is required for day to day

The carbohydrate can be obtained from the rice, wheat, corn and other food products related to them. The main objective of this nutrition is to provide good movement to the dog.The carbohydrate is broken into glucose and hence energy is obtained.
The protein part of the dog food analysis - reviews of the kibble is necessary.The protein is responsible for the growth of cells. Millions of cells are grown and get shed everyday. They need protein for their growth. It can be obtained from meat and other related items. They are also responsible for good look.

Dogs must have vitamins in their diet too. They are an important component that ensure the body is functioning correctly. Vitamins A, B, and D are essential to the lifespan and health of the dog. Dog food must contain generous amounts of these vitamins. Fruits, vegetables, and the sun are all great sources of vitamins.
All the nutritions given can be used and healthy dog can be achieved. The nutritions given work on the dog body and make it very happy.When the dog is healthy they can be trained to do

The proteins can be available in cereals and soya beans. Moderate spicy can be used so that the dog does not get dysentry. The other forms of food is very important. Naturally available food are more healthy. Man made food are easy to serve but expiry date should be taken into considerations.
The dogs should not eat mouse, snakes and other little animals which can poison them. The routine check up of weight and height should be carried and accordingly the food should be served. The dog should not mate with many other street dogs so that diseases come to them.
by: JolieMitchel